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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Hierarchical query
I got a table with the following format:
insert into tab1 (1,'E1'); insert into tab1 (2,'E2'); insert into tab1 (3,'E3'); insert into tab1 (4,'Salary'); insert into tab1 (5,'E4'); insert into tab1 (6,'E5'); insert into tab1 (7,'E6'); insert into tab1 (8,'E7'); insert into tab1 (9,'Benefit');
and I want to ouput the following:
E1, Salary E2, Salary E3, Salary E4, Benefit E5, Benefit E6, Benefit E7, Benefit
Can anybody please help me with the query. Many thanks in advance. Received on Mon Mar 21 2005 - 00:02:55 CST