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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Is 60M rows a lot?
Chris Markle wrote:
> Folks,
> Say I wanted to store a row per email for 2M emails per day for 30d...
> That'd be 60M rows... And assume if you're wondering how big a row is that
> it's 500 bytes. That'd be a table of 30GB. In the grand scheme of small /
> medium / large DBs, where it this? I sorta thought it'd be medium size, but
> others are telling me that's "large". Just trying to figure out how whacked
> this this...
> Chris
I would call it small. Quite frankly not significantly larger than the database on the notebook I use for teaching at the U which is 10GB.
These days medium equates to TB, large to tens or hundreds of TB. And the definition of very large, IIRC, around 500TB. At least 3 I know of now exceed 1.5 Peta.
-- Daniel A. Morgan University of Washington (replace 'x' with 'u' to respond)Received on Fri Mar 18 2005 - 23:04:08 CST