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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Outputting data in UTF-8
In article <d1c2ea$gbb$>, Frank van Bortel
> You mean "page info, General, Meta data? If that says ISO-8859,
> your UTF above is *not* used to generate the page you're looking
> at.
Yep, that's what I figured.
> Apart from that - do you *store* UTF data, or was your database
> created with WE8ISO8859P1?
No we dont store the data in UTF-8.
> >
> > So the question is: how can I generate the data using the requested
> > encoding?
> >
> > Is there an 'alter session' directive I can use?
> >
> UTF is a multi byte character set (the 8 meaning, bytes are being
> used, not [16 or 32-bit] words), using up to 4 bytes per character.
> All Oracle Database character set, starting with WE8 are Western
> European, 8 bits (fixed!) charactersets.
> And you could start by changing the client's character set to UTF8,
> by changing the NLS_LANG environment variable - it probably
> contains the ISO8859P1, too
When you say change the client's character set - presumably you mean the client program that is requesting the data - which in this case I presume would be mod_plsql itself? So this would be a change to the dads.cong file perhaps...?
-- jeremyReceived on Thu Mar 17 2005 - 08:11:56 CST