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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: spatial database
On Thu, 17 Mar 2005 03:05:01 -0800, shrikant wrote:
> Hello,
> i am shrikant kale.I have a assignment on spatial database.
> create a spatial database table that store the number ,name, and
> location ,which consists of four different areas say
> abc,pqr,nom, the following queries
I'd use Oracle9i or 10g and would create a spatial column in a regular table instead of creating a 'spatial' table as was done in Oracle7.
> a.find the topological intersection of twogeometries.
> plase describe the create statement,and give the general staps.
This is a single SQL Select stateeeement, however, you want to carefully decide which of the spatial interactions to use (overlap, contains, etc.) Answer found in and Received on Thu Mar 17 2005 - 06:15:16 CST