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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Rate of change of the database
If you are new to Oracle then my suggestion is that the one statistic
that you should first pay the most attention to is the decline in
freespace available in each of your tablespaces. This will allow you
to identify if your database needs any immediate attention to prevent
an error from running out of space.
If no tablespace needs another file or to have an object relocated to prevent a space related error in the near future then grab the Concepts manual and start reading. Follow the Concepts manual with the DBA Administration manual. Most of what a DBA needs to know on a daily basis is in these two manuals.
Only after reading these two manuals, looking at the layout of the database, and picking up some knowledge about how the application works will you be able to determine what really needs to be monitored.
IMHO -- Mark D Powell -- Received on Tue Mar 15 2005 - 08:56:20 CST