Galen Boyer wrote:
> On Mon, 14 Mar 2005, wrote:
>>Mark C. Stock wrote:
>>>"IANAL_VISTA" <> wrote in message
>>>>Galen Boyer <> wrote in
>>>>>On Mon, 14 Mar 2005, wrote:
>>>>>>Hexathioorthooxalate apparently said,on my timestamp of 13/03/2005
>>>>>>10:50 PM:
>>>>>>>What the heck do you think an XML schema is, or even a DTD. It
>>>>>>>is the rules, the contract, that the data must adhere to. This
>>>>>>>seems like SOMETHING to me.
>>>>>>NO, most definitely NOT. It is a DESCRIPTION of the rules.
>>>>>>It is NOT a way of enforcing the rules. For that, you MUST
>>>>>>write code!
>>>>>This isn't true with Schemas. Your statement is about as wrong as
>>>>>Hexathioorthooxalate's statement that one must right triggers and
>>>>>procs to check RI. Sure, something must, but not the developer of
>>>>>either an XMLSchema or a Relational schema.
>>>>Please post a working/reproducable example or a URL to same.
>>>both found on
>>>Daniel, Please describe your preferred architecture for the following
>>>typical scenario: Customer X generates XML purchase orders (format
>>>non-negotiable, we are one of 3000 vendors that receive the same
>>>format) System R (which we are architecting and have full control
>>>over) receives the XML document electronically, fulfills it, and
>>>sends an XML response. What would you use for processing the
>>>incoming XML document? How would you keep an official record of the
>>>customer's order? What would you use to extract the data from the
>>>incoming document? What would you use to generate the response
>>>document? ++ mcs
>>I think this is a perfectly valid use of XML.
>>You are using it for information exchange between multiple systems.
> Didn't you state that that was an abomination in some other message?
No ... not at all.
I said it was when used to transport data to and from an application
which is not what it was designed for. That is very different from
transporting information between applications: Messaging.
In the first case I pass the same verbose text repeatedly. In the
later only one time in one direction. Yes a message may come back
but it won't be precisely what was sent.
So, for example, I have information about invoices. An invoice is
created and the data stored 1X relationally. This is good. Someone
querying the database to create a report or print an invoice queries
relationally too. And reporting happens many many times.
But if I am now transmitting an order to my supplier's system that is
an inter-system transfer and it happens only once ... and thus XML is
Daniel A. Morgan
University of Washington
(replace 'x' with 'u' to respond)
Received on Mon Mar 14 2005 - 20:32:47 CST