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Given the services you showed were all started.
Since you are in windows, there are two potential areas. 1-The account you used for the install has some restrictions on it 2-You need to start the database.
If 2, then from the command promt (start->cmd)
If works, then should get the SQL> prompt. Alternative is 'insufficient privileges', in which case log off (exit, exit, log off) and sign on as either the account that installed Oracle or as the local administrator.
Go back into SQLPLUS.
If connect (get the SQL> prompt), enter startup;
Databse should start.
If 1 above, then you need to check your various account settings (one you are currently using and the one that installed Oracle.) You could be seeing an NT securing issue (not probable, but possible).
DA Morgan wrote:
> William F. O'Neill wrote:
> > Hi Daniel:
> > These are the Services that are in 'Start' mode:
> > OracleMTSRecoveryService
> > OracleOrahome90Agent
> > OracleOrahomeTNSListener
> > OracleServiceConsol
> > OracleServiceMisc
> >
> > I tested the Consol & Misc Services with Net Stop & Net Start.
Misc is the
> > one I'm having problems with, trying to upgrade it to
> > works fine, and I can connect to to it. MISC - I cannot connect to
it thru
> > OEM or SQLPlus.
> >
> > Bill....
> The above indicates you have a database whose SID is Misc.
> Is that the working database or the OEM repository database?
> Either way it is only one database and you have indicated that
> you have two. Where is the other one?
> The only services, fromthe above, that need to be started are
> OracleOrahomeTNSListener and OracleServiceMisc but this is
> still only one of what you seem to have indicated is two
> databases.
> --
> Daniel A. Morgan
> University of Washington
> (replace 'x' with 'u' to respond)
Received on Mon Mar 14 2005 - 09:28:28 CST