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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: [Q[] any one install ORACLE 9ir2 on Redhat 4 (32 bits)?????
On Sat, 12 Mar 2005 16:14:17 -0800, DA Morgan <>
>StenR wrote:
>>>Can you provide a link or doc number. I can not find any support for
>>>9iR2 documented with Redhat 4.
>> Click your way through the "Certify and Availability" menus to build
>> the Linux(x86) certification matrix, and you'll see RHEL4 is one of the
>> certified Linux flavors with 9.2 (
>I did and it is not there.
Yes, it is, look again.
Certify & Availibility ->
View Certifications by Platform ->
Linux (x86) ->
Oracle Database/Server ->
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition ->
Tick "9.2" and "10g" ->
The matrix shows 9iR2 is certified against "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4", but 10gR1 isn't (yet).
The "Addtl. Info" column (click "Yes" on that row) indicates that patchset is required for the certification against RHEL4. Presumably there are changes in that haven't yet been rolled up into 10.1, or they just haven't completed certification of 10.1 against RHEL4.
>Red Flag DC Server 4.0 (China Only) is not RedHat 4.
Move eyes up one row ;-)
-- Andy Hassall / <> / <> <> Space: disk usage analysis toolReceived on Sat Mar 12 2005 - 18:28:57 CST