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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Development Trends in Web and Oracle
Hexathioorthooxalate wrote:
> Organisations have a growing requirement to store XML, like it or lump it.
Actually they don't. This statement is demonstratably pure rubbish.
What organizations have is a need to store data. How that data is stored most efficiently is what is open for debate.
XML was designed solely for the purpose of information exchange BETWEEN systems. The fact that some people know how to use a hammer does not make them craftsmen. Your argument equates to a hammer is a good tool for buiding a house. Houses occupy space. Airplanes also occupy space so a hammer is a good tool for building a 747.
Any CIO that buys this nonsense deserves a quick trip to the CFO's office for a strong dose of reality and/or a shove out the door.
-- Daniel A. Morgan University of Washington (replace 'x' with 'u' to respond)Received on Sat Mar 12 2005 - 13:40:07 CST