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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: External SQL functions exported by DLLs
Peter Sullvan said,on 3/11/2005 7:19 PM:
> We have a few rather advanced calculation routines
> developed in C++. Currently we are using a Sybase ASA
> database for our app. and these routines are accessible
> by so called external functions exported by a DLL
> (dynamic link library) that we wrote in C++. Sybase
> supports this quite nicely.
> The client app can call such routines by:
> "select get_roof_angle() as angle from dummy;"
> or
> ":angle = call get_roof_angle();"
> Now we are checking if other databases can provide us
> with similar abilities. So I just wonder if Oracle
> supports the ability to call a routine exported by a
> DLL? If yes, does anyone know the SQL syntax to declare
> it in Oracle.
> Best regards
> Peter Sullvan
you can call external functions as
plsql functions.
-- Shanmu.Received on Fri Mar 11 2005 - 08:43:52 CST