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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: RAC with OCFS on Win2K - archive logs destination
Am 4 Mar 2005 13:45:44 -0800 schrieb Jesse:
> Sorry, haven't checked the thread in awhile. First I have a batch file
> (be careful because some of the lines wrapped; also, robocopy should be
> on the server already I think; just change your paths/server names as
> needed):
> ************************************************************************
> set ARCLOG_SOURCE=r:\oradata\rac\arch_logs
> set ARCLOG_DEST_NODE1=\\node1\d$\oracle\oradata\rac\arch_logs
> set ARCLOG_DEST_NODE2=\\node2\d$\oracle\oradata\rac\arch_logs
> set LOG_FILE_NODE1=\\node1\d$\log\copy_arch_logs_to_node1.log
> set LOG_FILE_NODE2=\\node2\d$\log\copy_arch_logs_to_node2.log
> set ORA_BIN=d:\oracle\ora920\bin
> set BATCH=d:\batch
> set SQL_SCRIPT=switch_log.sql
> %ORA_BIN%\sqlplus.exe -s /nolog @%BATCH%\%SQL_SCRIPT%
> ************************************************************************
> If you run the above from each DB server, it will cause a log switch as
> often as you have the task scheduled to run (i.e. Win2k3 Task
> Scheduler). The log switch occurs via the following called SQL script:
> ************************************************************************
> connect /@rac1 as sysdba; (note: on node 2 this would be @rac2)
> alter system switch logfile;
> exit;
> ************************************************************************
> Hope this helps...
sorry I posted my thanks to my question.
so thnaks again.
Stephan Received on Fri Mar 11 2005 - 06:51:22 CST