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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: migrating from sql server 2000 to oracle 9i-r2
Not to start a flame war but you wrote:
7. NULL means NULL not an empty string
(Which is what I teach in my class) but in another post
Frank van Bortel wrote:
>> I concluded from this that empty string and null in Oracle are one
>> the same (at least as far as PLSQL), which is very different that in
>> just about every other language.
> Right. As documented, as known, as being taught in Oracle Basic
> SQL, 2nd day, before lunch.
> Oh - and it's not just PL/SQL, but SQL, too.
> --
> Frank van Bortel
And your wrote:
In my class it is covered in the first 2nd hour of lecture.
So, am I not getting something or what?
NULL != empty string
Perhaps I am mis-understanding the thread.
Roger Received on Thu Mar 10 2005 - 13:36:06 CST