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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Help me please!
Vu Nguyen Duy via wrote:
> I'm trying to install oracle 9i DBMS on window 2003 from the CD but the
> installation can't start. I double click to the installation file but
> nothing happen.
> My computer is a DNS server.
> I've installed Java SDK, set virtual memmory to 1gb and set all security
> setting to low, turned off all antivirus program already but i still can't
> force the installation start.
> Please help me to resolve this problem!
> Thank!
I had a similar problem when I tried to do an install on Win2K. If I
remember rightly, I couldn't get anything to happen by trying to run
setup.exe in the install root drive but I got it working by invoking
autorun.exe which is in the 'AUTORUN' sub-directory off the root drive.
Don't know if my problem was the same as yours but is might be worth a try.
Paul Brownjohn Received on Wed Mar 09 2005 - 12:39:16 CST