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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Version control of Oracle Stored Objects.
On Fri, 04 Mar 2005 15:38:59 +0000, Lig <> wrote:
>We have an implementation of Oracle 9i database. We have a team of 20
>developers working on a project. We use PL/SQL DEVELOPER and Visual
>Source Safe to cotrol the source.
>The problem we have at the moment is one of version control.For the
>moment, 2 developers can edit and compile a package.Because the package
>is compiled on the DB Server,It is possible that a source being edited
>by a developer could be overwritten by another.There is nothing in
>PL/SQL that forces a user to check out and edit. We have Visual Source
>safe fully integrated into PL/SQL Developer.But that's only as much as
>it gets.VSS is not ORacle aware.
>Are there any products out there that can be used for Version
>controlling Oracle Stored Objects that are Oracle Aware?
>Is there a better way of doing this?
If 2 developers may concurrently edit and compile a package, you have serious flaws in your workflow and/or your developer's understanding of how to organize a multi-developer-project. We follow some strict rules when developing ORACLE-centric applications
-- Marc Blum http://www.marcblum.deReceived on Sat Mar 05 2005 - 06:39:17 CST