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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Network throughput limited to 1/25 th network capacity
Andreas Sheriff wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm connecting to an Oracle 8i database tunneled through ssh
> across the internet and the data transfer rate is consistently slow.
> rate is approximately 1/25th of the lowest upstream/downstream common
> denominator (512k DSL upstream). I know it's not the tunneling
> slowing it down, nor is it the connection via SSH, but the connection
> Oracle makes itself. The database was hosted in the local network
> (100Bt) and the transfer rate never got above 4mbps (1/25 X 100
mbps). I've
> even tried it through my 802.11g wireless connection to the local
> and the transfer rate never got above 2.2 mbps ( 1/25 X 54 mbsp).
> The connection is configured to use TCP.
> Can anyone tell me what's going on and how to optimize the Oracle TCP
> connection so that it will be faster?
> Thanks,
> Andreas
> --
> Reply to me only on this newsgroup
Your first act should be to trace the sql*net connection on the client side; putting the following line in the client sqlnet.ora file will start the process on all connections made after this edit:
TRACE_LEVEL_CLIENT=SUPPORT This is the highest level of tracing you can enable, and will produce fairly large trace files. Using trcassist you can 'decipher' this trace files into something remotely readable, from which you can hopefully determine the source of your traffic slowdown. Your only other avenue is to place a sniffer on your network and monitor packets.
Once you get a better feel for what is and is not happening with your sql*net ocnnections let us know and we'll do our best to help you sort this out.
David Fitzjarrell Received on Fri Mar 04 2005 - 13:41:00 CST