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eiher way works.
I tend to have the binaries local. You only have to make sure to keep
the local install in sync when you apply patches etc.
(having the binaries on shared disk can become annoying if you have many hosts with many packages, and multiple packages on each host.)
Karsten wrote:
> Hi.
> Please also note that i am on SAP Oracle, though not quite sure how
> different it is from a pure Oracle upgrade. Well, i have to create a
> separate file system as currently, my /oracle sits on /. Surely, its
> not wise to have /oracle with a > 500MB on /. Therefore, the need to
> have a new filesystem. And now, back to the original question.
> create /oracle
> a) as a local filesystem
> b) as a filesystem which is in the package control script in the
> I think (a) could do it. This will overcome the overheads of doing
> extra stuff of (b)
> Please advise.
Received on Fri Mar 04 2005 - 06:21:53 CST