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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: DB2 UDB or Oracle (who has better support)
> >> How about the fact that DB2 has a different code base
> for different operating systems. Change from UNIX to Windows and you
> might as well be changing to Sybase.
> ...<<
> Well, lots of people have test servers running DB2 UDB on Windows and
> production running DB2 UDB on Linux or UNIX.
> Are you saying they should switch to a more realistic test
> ennvironment?
Daniel does not know very much about DB2 and he (sort of) restricted his
statement in another post.
Daniel is very upset, however, that DB2 for AS/400 and VM, and z/OS have different code bases from each other and from DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows. This is true even though Oracle does not run on AS/400 or VM, and is not used in production very often on z/OS (formally known as OS/390). Received on Fri Mar 04 2005 - 00:32:38 CST