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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: DB2 UDB or Oracle (who has better support)
On Thu, 03 Mar 2005 00:44:09 +0000, NormaJean Sebastian via
> Hi,
> I almost read all of the "DB2 vs Oracle" thread...
> The summary I got from that was all databases essentially do the same
> things, the decision of which one you use primarily depends on available
> skillsets, software vendor support, and customer/tech support.
> I will be facing a decision on migrating our SAP Informix database to
> either Oracle, DB2UDB, or Sqlserver. I don't think we are going to
> SqlServer. I have some Oracle experience, I have no DB2 or DB2UDB
> experience, I have lots of Informix experience.
> What I would like to have discussed in this thread is the support and
> quality of support available for DB2UDB (we would run on Sun) and Oracle.
> The quality of the Informix support I have gotten through the years,
> whether calling Lenexa(informix), SAP, or IBM has been outstanding.
> In my short time with Oracle, the support does not match Informix.
> Doesn't even come close. I do not know if perhaps I am just not hooked in
> to the right support channels, or that's really all there is. (I use
> Metalink and rarely have talked to a live Oracle support person).
> I know nothing of the quality of DB2 UDB support.
> I am aware the SAP & IBM recently tightened their relationship on the
> DB2/DB2UDB side as informix will be fading out (as an SAP platform).
> Oracle bought PeopleSoft and there are articles about oracle aiming for
> some of SAP's business. Does that make IBM the database vendor of choice
> for SAP?
> I don't want to haggle about technical details of features/functionality
> between IBM's DB2 UDB versus Oracle...
> I want to hear about the non-technical, the touchy-feely human side of
> support. When I am stuck between a rock and a hard place, I want to pick
> up the phone and get help, i don't want the run-around.
> Please enlighten me on the quality of oracle support, the frequency of
> database patches needed, the frequency of maintenance outages (DBA
> housekeeping and what housekeeping items are needed).
> Same goes for DB2 UDB...
> I feel my bottom line decision will not be based on features/functionality,
> but rather on quality of support.
> thank you for your input,
> Norma Jean
One thing that I can tell you is that Oracle Support sucks. I am trying to
get them to remove invalid CSI for two months, so far without success. By
calling them on the phone, one can experience the full delight of
outsourcing to Elbonia. Occasional phone contact with Oracle Support will
leave you full of invigorating and intense hatred while asking yourself
whether you've done something evil in your previous life to deserve that.
If you were good, washing your teeth and eating your spinach, you will be
left in a maze of the phone system with inevitable "listen carefully
because our menus have changed" and waste approximately 45 minutes of your
life. That is considered being lucky. Speaking to a live person can
actually be much worse.
I have no idea about the IBM support, but I could tell you interesting
tales about Oracle Support. IBM support probably cannot be any worse then
I am a Sr. Oracle DBA working with Oracle RDBMS for 15 years and I am a
little bit biased and slanted toward oracle. After all, my first Oracle
was version 4 on PC XT with DOS 3.3, 512 KB memory and a Hercules video
-- A clean tie attracts the soup du jour.Received on Wed Mar 02 2005 - 23:41:52 CST