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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Use the Dynamic SGA feature in 32-bit Oracle running on 64-bit Solaris?
One more thing, you know why I am (my work) might
consider running 32 bit 9.2 oracle on solaris 64 bit platform. Reason
is my work is using AOLserver as webserver, so I don't know whether
AOLserver could talk to the 64 bit oracle server.
I have to test this part. If the AOLserver does not talk to 64 bit 9.2
oracle server, then I have to use 32 bit 9.2 server.
I have read about other people said in this newsgroup is if I have
64bit 9.2 server, then all the other connectivity software I want to
use , has to be 64 bit.
Dominica Received on Wed Mar 02 2005 - 16:53:16 CST