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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: [Q] security risk on "execute any procedure"???
On 2 Mar 2005 12:38:31 -0800, aaa <> wrote:
>I checked ORACLE database we have on 9ir2. I found several users have "execute
>any procedure" right. Can anyone tell me what kind of security risk for
>"execute any procedure"?
Consider the following (courtesy of Thomas Kyte)
The user with create any procedure privilege issues the following
create or replace procedure <any owner>.do_sql(sqlstr in varchar2) is
execute immediate sqlstr;
begin <any user>.do_sql('drop table emp cascade constraints'); end;
Now your user can issue whatever DDL command on <any user>'s schema, and take over control. Your user is also not going to leave any traces, as <any user> executes the procedures.
>If I already grant "select_catalog_role" and "execute_catalog_role", do I need
>grant "execute any procedure" privilege?
Those roles affect the dictionary only, IIRC
-- Sybrand Bakker, Senior Oracle DBAReceived on Wed Mar 02 2005 - 16:18:55 CST