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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: OMLET: Get Intimate with Oracle Internals
Daniel wastes bandwidth? give us regulars a break.
It's only because you guys jump in, and defend (indirectly) the SPAM of the earth, that this thread has carried on so long.
Flames in usenet are usually rather cool, so that SCAMlet has so far not been physically scarred. He might be mentally scarred, but I assure you, those were there long before Daniel or others here ever replied to him.
Take some of your own advice guys: If you are managing to filter out SCAMlet, then filter the entire thread. Then you won't see this and you won't be offended, especially since any offense intended is directed toward Scamlet. (And even then the ultimate goal is to get him to learn some simple curtesy.)
ed Received on Wed Mar 02 2005 - 12:45:01 CST