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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: redo log on veritas filesystem wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am just wondering what other companies
> do with your redo logs if you are using Veritas filesystem.
> Shouldn't the redo logs be put on regular SCSI disk or on
> the Veritas filesystem? I mean for database performance aspect,
> will oracle writing the redo logs slower if it is on
> Veritas filesystem.
> Let me tell you my configuration.
> Currently, my work's database is (32 bit)
> running on SUN's hardware. Database is around 340 Gig.
> (I inherit this database, I am NEW to this company).
> OS version:
> 5.9 Generic_117171-02 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-V440
> Every 5 or 10 minutes is switch to another redo log.
> Redo log is 200 Meg. Archive log mode on.
> Currently redo logs are on VERITAS FILESYSTEM:
> /dev/vx/dsk/INSTANCE_NAME/U01
> /dev/vx/dsk/INSTANCE_NAME/U03
> And this veritas filesystem is actually make up of multiple disks.
> The name is U01 or U03, but it is actually configure through
> Veritas filesystem from a bunch of disks.
> My question is: shouldn't redo logs be on a
> regular unix file system, like on a dedicate SCSI disk.
> And make that SCSI disk 0+1.
> P.S. I am planning to upgrade this database to 9.2 or
> 10g soon.
> Thanks in advance,
> Dominica
Are you having any problems with your redologs?
Do you have any redo related waits?
If that's not the case; you have no problem. Why try to fix something not broken, and working fine(!) :-))
My expirience is that Veritas VxFS works fine for redologs.
Many, many years ago, only raw devices worked good, but that rule is outdated :-)
/Svend Received on Wed Mar 02 2005 - 10:53:59 CST