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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Backup Tool Alternative to RMAN and BMC's SQL Backtrack
Charles J. Fisher wrote:
> On Tue, 1 Mar 2005, DA Morgan wrote:
> > So the question perhaps should be restated ... given your vested
> > self-interest, and their intrangigence, why are you still there?
> We all get comfortable with a set of technologies, and it gets harder
> harder to keep riding the wave. I can't blame a business for getting
> comfortable any more than I blame myself. I also had reason to get 8i
> HP-UX certification here, which are good credentials themselves (many
> businesses frown on certification these days as it makes employees
> moble). Also, even though I'm in a regional (backwater) data center,
I do
> have some voice in corporate IT policy.
There is blame to be made, and that is: when the old stuff goes to hell, you have a severe crises on your hands.
> A few hundred feet from me, we have DEC VAX systems with StorageWorks
> were installed in the late 1980s (badly configured, I have better
> than they do). There is also a Unisys with COBOL from the early 80s.
> will replace us RSN.
In another thread, I mentioned I couldn't tell if it was a joke when a headhunter solicited me for VAX COBOL dev. Subsequent conversation, not only was it not a joke, but a number of places are increasing development. I am dumbfounded.
> I've got installed on some old hardware (you would laugh if I
> you how bad it is), but I really just can't motivate myself to take
the 9i
> upgrade exam. I'm not using it, and it seems academic. I hope I take
> before 9i goes obsolete.
> In any case, I do think that it is EXTREMELY important for ANY dba to
> comfortable with an Oracle7-style backup.
> 1. It demonstrates a knowledge of components, startup procedures, and
> controlfile manipulation that (AFAIK) RMAN would not draw upon.
You have to understand the same controlfile concepts. You should know that. There are additional details in the new versions you should also understand.
> 2. OS tools (and even SAN firmware) can participate more in an O7
They can in an RMAN backup too, but it would often be stupid. Only RMAN is smart enough to not have to increase the amount of redo generated while taking backups (but granted, that case would validate your argument).
> 3. AFAIK, RMAN cannot create a standby server; O7 methods must be
You are demonstrating your ignorance. A quick search of metalink comes up with a cookbook. Or at least it used to, I've scripted it for myself so I do it all the time without a thought, with and without networking.
> O7 approaches composed the MAJORITY of material for the 8i backup
> Has this changed?
It's that minority that'll getcha (if it is, far too long since I took it). Just like obscure partitioning syntax on the 9i upgrade.
-- is bogus. "I don't, to this day, know technology. I don't know finance and accounting." - Bernard Ebbers on Tue Mar 01 2005 - 17:09:52 CST