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Why do I want to initiate the refresh from the master site?
Bascically because there will be a person at the master site who is responsible for the data in the master tables. They would like to be able to update the master tables and test the application before explicitly releasing the updated tables to the snapshot sites.
Ingo Peters <> wrote in message news:<>...
> On 2005-02-23, Frank van Bortel <> wrote:
> > Well... sort of - refreshes get initiated from the snapshot
> > sites.
> > There is no need for a refresh group (though is does make life
> > easier), nor for a job; you can do it manually, from the snapshot
> > sites.
> > What requirement is there that forces you to initiate refreshes
> > from the master site?
> You're right to ask the question about the underlying requirement. But,
> supposing that the requirement is uncircumventable, or at least not
> implementable in another way, Tom Kyte has a good suggestion for
> refreshing remote materialized views, which is very similar to what
> you're trying to do. He suggests scheduling a refresh using dbms_job on
> the remote machine. Check this out:
> It's the June 11, 2004 posting.
> HTH,
> Ingo
Received on Tue Mar 01 2005 - 03:01:56 CST