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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Dynamically execute PL/SQL statement
"Agoston Bejo" <> wrote in message news:<clt7a9$ruj$>...
> I am looking for the PL/SQL equivalent of the VBScript Exec and/or Eval
> functions, i.e. I want to be able to dynamically create a statement, then
> execute it in the current PL/SQL context, e.g.
> declare
> x integer := 5;
> begin
> ExecuteStatement('x := 10');
> dbms_output.put_line(x); -- should put "10"
> if EvaluateExpression('x*2 = 20') then
> dbms_output.put_line('Yes');
> else
> dbms_output.put_line('No');
> end if; -- should put 'Yes'
> end;
> EXECUTE IMMEDIATE doesn't seem to work, because it runs the statement in the
> global context, not inside the context of the current function.
What is it you would like to do that you can't do ? The following is an example using an anonymous block to create a table in the schema running the script, followed by the same thing in a procedure (that could take parameters).
v_obj number;
v_tblsp varchar2(30);
Select count(*) into v_obj
from user_tables
where table_name = 'T_EMP';
If v_obj = 0 then
Select tablespace_name into v_tblsp from user_tables where table_name = 'EMPLOYEE'; execute immediate 'Create table T_EMP (c1 number primary key, c2 varchar2(20))'|| ' tablespace '|| v_tblsp;end if;
Select count(*) into v_obj
from user_tables
where table_name = 'T_EMP';
If v_obj = 0 then
Select tablespace_name into v_tblsp from user_tables where table_name = 'EMPLOYEE'; execute immediate 'Create table HR_OWN.T_EMP (c1 number, c2 varchar2(20))'|| ' tablespace '|| v_tblsp;end if;