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Re: Oracle 9i RAC vs Hardware clustering (like HACMP)

From: DA Morgan <>
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2004 20:09:58 -0700
Message-ID: <1098932939.750905@yasure>


> On 2004-10-26, DA Morgan <> wrote:

>>JEDIDIAH wrote:
>>>On 2004-10-20, DA Morgan <> wrote:
>>>>Mark Clark wrote:
>>>>>On Mon, 18 Oct 2004 21:14:38 -0700, DA Morgan
>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>Praveen wrote:
>>>>>Worth considering the limitations of RAC too -- range etc..  That said
>>>>>h/w clustering and RAC are often complimentary in large scale
>>>>>deployments where they each provide a solution to certain
>>>>>problems/challenges.  Certainly for large projects the aquisition
>>>>>costs are rarely a major factor for a blue chip. 
>>>>What limitation? In Japan they ran a 10g RAC cluster with 128 nodes.
>>>>Do you think you can find an SMP machine that large?
>>>	Depending on the size of the indivual nodes, SGI probably makes
>>>such a machine already.
>>>	Although, there is a difference between running and running well. The
>>>biggest production deployment I've ever heard of was 30 nodes. However, that's
>>>been awhile.
>>I believe it was 128 nodes with 4 CPU Dells making 256 CPUs and that it

> That would be 512 cpus actually.
> That is equal to a single SGI Altix. As cluster tech progresses, so
> does SMP tech. SGI will be targeting 1024 cpus next. Sun still lags behind
> a little. However, that cluster would still resolve to a relatively small
> cluster size with E15Ks (4 nodes) Given what SGI has done, I am sure that
> Sun is looking to introduce something even bigger (than a 15K).
>>scaled at 80% of theoretical. Mark Townsend might wish to weigh in with

> How did that application scale at smaller cluster sizes? Did each
> node added from #2 on up yield the same boost to performance, or was there
> a better increase in performance per node for smaller values of the cluster
> size?
>>the details if he can make them public. I noticed an Oracle publication
>>not too long ago list 64 nodes which is 1/2 of what I know was proven.
>>This is not surprising as I have never had a RAC fail-over as slow as
>>what Oracle guarantees either. They seem to be reasonably cautious in
>>what they claim: And reasonably so.

Thanks for the math correction. I rewrote several times and the 256 got there based on what Oracle claims rather than what Oracle did. My mistake.

Daniel A. Morgan
University of Washington
(replace 'x' with 'u' to respond)
Received on Wed Oct 27 2004 - 22:09:58 CDT

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