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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: So what if 8i is outta support ?
"DA Morgan"
> Last week I was interviewing PL/SQL developers. No one whose experience
> was 8i (and not 9i) was even considered. Next week I begin interviewing
> DBA candidates. Those whose primary experience is 8i won't get past
> having their resumes tossed into the recycling.
First thanks for all the great responses!
wow that was a bit extreme, imo.
DBA - that's a different story.
But re PL/SQL - please tell me what's SO DIFFERENT btw 8i/9i and 10g
that warrants this kinda drastic filtering approach ?
I'd happily take a seasoned 8i pl/sql guy who has read Tom Kytes books over any 10g-certified-up-the-wazoo guy. Received on Mon Oct 25 2004 - 17:34:06 CDT