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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: orcle trobule shooting
"Howard J. Rogers" <> wrote in message
> ashok wrote:
> > Dear all!
> > Your irritation is justifiable.Actually the problem is related to data
> > recovery.
> Actually, you are making this up as you go along, aren't you?
> First your "Databse is nonarchival mode", and four sentences later, we
> that " database in archival mode.".
> Last post, you'd lost "two tablespaces,and two indexdatafiles and 2
> files and 3 redologfils". Now its only index datafiles and control files.
> Make up your mind.
> Either describe the situation properly and precisely, and ask for help
> accordingly, or post barely-literate messages with conflicting and
> descriptions of the problem, and piss everybody off.
> Your call.
It's not his fault. It's his professor's fault for not flunking him out of the class. This is obviously a homework problem testing to see if the student was paying attention at all. It appears he was not, as he can't even disguise the problem correctly. Received on Mon Oct 25 2004 - 09:11:34 CDT