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I'm observing behavior in 9i about transactions in pl/sql unnamed blocks that seems undocumented (altho I find the existing doc. hard to understand anyway), and I wonder if anyone can explain it in terms of some notion of transactional 'boundaries' - when a transaction starts, when it ends, within a pl/sql unname block. It's probably obvious but I have brain lock at the moment.
I have a test table a(a1 number) initially empty.
I run:
insert into a values(1); insert into a values(2); insert into a values('a');
As expected an error results trying to insert the nonnumeric 'a' into a. When I select from a, it's empty.
Then I run:
insert into a values(1); insert into a values(2); insert into a values('a');
Now of course I see no error since it's trapped. But when I look at the table a, it has two rows, with a1 = 1 and with a1=2.
In the first case it seems the whole block is a transaction; but just adding the error trap (which doesn't do anything) makes each statement in the block a transaction (it seems).
What's going on?
Ken Quirici Received on Mon Oct 25 2004 - 07:44:05 CDT