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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Need help on MTS configuration
column name format a8
column owned format 9999
select name "NAME", substr(network,1,30) "PROTOCOL",
status "STATUS", (busy/(busy + idle)) * 100 "%TIME BUSY", owned from v$dispatcher; select paddr,type,queued,wait,totalq, decode(totalq,0,0,wait/totalq) "AVG WAIT" from v$queue;
select name "NAME", paddr,requests,
(busy/(busy + idle)) * 100 "%TIME BUSY",status from v$shared_server;
select maximum_connections "MAX CONN",
servers_started "STARTED", servers_terminated "TERMINATED", servers_highwater "HIGHWATER" from v$mts;
4) have you looked at v$session_waits when the 'hang' occurs?
For configuration issues, see metalink.
On Fri, 22 Oct 2004 14:27:32 -0400, "Syltrem" <> wrote:
>Oracle 8174 on Alpha OpenVMS 7.2-1
>I'm working on the configuration of MTS (multithreaded / shared server).
>I was able to get it to work rather quickly yesterday, but I had a problem
>with clients connecting through CMAN. The dispatcher would just froze (don`t
>ask me why but that`s the way it was) and the db had to be bounced. Any
>client already connmected to a shared server would freeze as soon as a
>client connecting through CMAN, tried to connect to the shared server.
>I looked in the documentation some more and found that some of the
>parameters (namely mts_service and mts_listener_address) I was using were
>deprecated in 817, so I tried changing the config to use the new parameters
>I ended up with this (in INIT.ORA):
>db_name = "ZZZRCS"
>instance_name = ZZZRCS
>mts_dispatchers =
>mts_max_dispatchers = 3
>mts_servers = 4
>db_domain = world
>service_names = ZZZRCS, MTS_ZZZRCS
>local_listener = "(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=MYVMS)(PORT=1526))"
>Upon starting the db, it registers with the listener (or so it appears,see
>below) but I can't connect to any of the services defined in parameters
>service_names or mts_dispatcher.
>The listener sure sees something (see below) but it won`t let me connect.
>I tried defining the ZZZRCS service in LISTENER.ORA and reload the listener,
>and that allowed me to connect. So I don`t understand the part about
>"database will autoregister to the listener" if I need to manually enter
>everything in LISTENER.ORA.
>That`s for one.
>Now I want the MTS_ZZZRCS service to connect me through a SHARED server. It
>won`t let me do that because:
>1) the registration with the listener does not really seem to work right
>(same problem as with service ZZZRCS)
>Message when attempting to connect to service ZZZRCS: "ORA-12514:
>TNS:listener could not resolve SERVICE_NAME given in connect descriptor"
>2) even If I add the info in the listener it will think it`s for dedicated
>server connections
>Message when attempting to connect to service MTS_ZZZRCS: "ORA-12520:
>TNS:listener could not find available handler for requested type of server"
>So this new config with the "new" parameters is even worse as it does not
>work at all.
>I'd like to have 2 services for this db, one that connects to a dedicated
>server, one that connects to a shared server. And be able to connect clients
>to the shared server (service MTS_ZZZRCS) even if they connect through CMAN
>(because those are the ones I mainly want to use the shared servers == web
>site users).
>I hope someone can help me sort this all out !
>LSNRCTL command output:
>Services Summary...
>Service "" has 1 instances.
> Instance "ZZZRCS"
> Status: READY Total handlers: 2 Relevant handlers: 2
> Class: ORACLE
> DEDICATED established:0 refused:0 current:0 max:0 state:ready
> Session: NS
> D000 established:0 refused:0 current:0 max:1022 state:ready
> Session: NS
>Service "" has 1 instances.
> Instance "ZZZRCS"
> Status: READY Total handlers: 2 Relevant handlers: 1
> Class: ORACLE
> DEDICATED established:0 refused:0 current:0 max:0 state:ready
> Session: NS
> )
> )
> )
> )
> )
> )
>OpenVMS 7.3-1 + Oracle
> (OpenVMS related web site, en français)
>---zulu is not in my email address---
We use Oracle on Solaris 2.7 boxes
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Received on Fri Oct 22 2004 - 14:50:28 CDT
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