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Re: Comparison of DB2 and Oracle?

From: DA Morgan <>
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2004 21:08:37 -0700
Message-ID: <1098158866.213704@yasure>

Rhino wrote:

> "DA Morgan" <> wrote in message

>>Rhino wrote:
>>>One of my friends, Scott, is a consultant who doesn't currently have
>>>newsgroup access so I am asking these questions for him. I'll be telling

> him
>>>how to monitor the answers via Google Newsgroup searches.
>>>Scott has heard a lot of hype about DB2 and Oracle and is trying to
>>>understand the pros and cons of each product. I'm quite familiar with

> DB2
>>>but have never used Oracle so I can't make any meaningful comparisons

> for
>>>him. He does not have a lot of database background but sometimes has to
>>>choose or recommend a database to his clients.
>>>Scott has enough life-experience to take the marketing information

> produced
>>>by IBM and Oracle with a grain of salt and would like to hear from real
>>>DBAs, especially ones who are fluent with both products, for their views

> on
>>>two questions:
>>>1. What are the pros and cons of the current releases of DB2 and Oracle?
>>>2. What other sources of *independent* information are available to help
>>>someone new to databases choose between DB2 and Oracle?
>>>This is *not* a troll and we don't want to start a flame war! Scott just
>>>want some honest facts to help him decide which product is best at which
>>DB2 consists of two letters and one integer and Oracle consists of 6
>>letters and no integers.
>>This is not the first time you have tried to start a flame war and your
>>previous attempt is logged in my database.

> Please name another time I've tried to start a flame war. If you look in
> you'll find that I am usually a responder to people's
> questions and usually only start my own posts when I have a technical of my
> own. If you look in you'll find that I've never posted
> there before because, as I said, I am not familiar with Oracle.
> Can you suggest a better way to ask my question? I am trying to figure out
> how someone having to choose between Oracle and DB2 would choose one over
> the other. Surely that is a legitimate question that many people have had to
> answer.
> Rhino

I am still far from convinced your question is sincere.

But if it is the nonsense about a friend that is so wholly uneducated he couldn't handle a stack of 3x5 cards is preposterous on its face.

So if you are serious ... ask serious questions. Do you think a hammer is the best tool for assembling a precision watch? Do you think a microscope appropriate for putting the propeller on an aircraft carrier? You give an exact description of the need and someone might think you seriously trying for something other than a flame war.

Daniel A. Morgan
University of Washington
(replace 'x' with 'u' to respond)
Received on Mon Oct 18 2004 - 23:08:37 CDT

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