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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: PL/SQL Help (Googles) wrote in message news:<>...
> Need help with this statement. It hangs in SQL*Plus. There is an
> outer join between invoice_header table and ship_addr table.
> SELECT invoice_detail.prod_id, invoice_detail.quantity,
> product.description, AS stcountry
> FROM invoice_header, invoice_detail, ship_addr, product
> WHERE invoice_header.inv_id IN ('2002780','2002781') AND
> invoice_header.cust_id = ship_addr.cust_id(+) AND
> invoice_header.ship_id = ship_addr.ship_id(+) AND
> invoice_header.inv_id = invoice_detail.inv_id AND
> invoice_detail.prod_id = product.prod_id
> Why did the above statement hang?
> fyi... These 2 statements below work
> 1) When only one inv_id is in the condition
> SELECT invoice_detail.prod_id, invoice_detail.quantity,
> product.description, AS stcountry
> FROM invoice_header, invoice_detail, ship_addr, product
> WHERE invoice_header.inv_id IN ('2002780') AND
> invoice_header.cust_id = ship_addr.cust_id(+) AND
> invoice_header.ship_id = ship_addr.ship_id(+) AND
> invoice_header.inv_id = invoice_detail.inv_id AND
> invoice_detail.prod_id = product.prod_id
> 2) When the outer join is taken out
> SELECT invoice_detail.prod_id, invoice_detail.quantity,
> product.description
> FROM invoice_header, invoice_detail, product
> WHERE invoice_header.inv_id IN ('2002780','2002781') AND
> invoice_header.inv_id = invoice_detail.inv_id AND
> invoice_detail.prod_id = product.prod_id
> Thank you.
SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/utlxplan
Table created.
SQL> explain plan 2> set statement_id = 'thishangs' for 3> SELECT invoice_detail.prod_id, invoice_detail.quantity, 4> product.description, AS stcountry 5> FROM invoice_header, invoice_detail, ship_addr, product 6> WHERE invoice_header.inv_id IN ('2002780','2002781') AND 7> invoice_header.cust_id = ship_addr.cust_id(+) AND 8> invoice_header.ship_id = ship_addr.ship_id(+) AND 9> invoice_header.inv_id = invoice_detail.inv_id AND 10> invoice_detail.prod_id = product.prod_id;
SQL> set echo off termout off feedback off verify off SQL> set pagesize 0 SQL> select decode(id,0,'', 2> lpad(' ', 2*(level -1))||level||'.'||position)||' '|| 3> operation||' '||options||' '||object_name||' '|| 4> object_type||' '|| 5> decode(id,0,'Cost = '||cost) Query_plan 6> from plan_table 7> connect by prior id = parent_id 8> and statement_id = 'thishangs' 9> start with id = 0 and statement_id = 'thishangs' 10> /
Report back when you have the query plan in hand. Then we can help you.
David Fitzjarrell Received on Mon Oct 18 2004 - 22:32:01 CDT