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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: sqlplus wrong?
On Mon, 11 Oct 2004 16:28:18 GMT, Hans Forbrich <>
>Ed Stevens wrote:
>> I know you're trying to provide full information, but for the sake of
>> security, you should have masked your IP address. I was able to paste
>> your tnsnames entry into my tnsnames file and ...
>192.168.x.x are free to be used inside firewalls and should not be public.
>You could easily have hit any number of sites that use that numbering and
>have accidently exposed themselves to the big internet.
>Same for 10.x.x.x and 172.16.x.x-> 172.31.x.x
I'll gladly confess to almost total ignorance about how IP address are
assigned and how they work. Nevertheless, I'd think it a potential
security problem to expose one's addresses on a public forum. (Yes, I
know this is a 'newsgroup', not a 'forum' -- unless 'forum' is used in
it's more generic meaning, which I do. ;-0 ) Some time ago on this
ng someone posted their tnsnames and exposed their full domain name --
from a .mil domain. Another participant was able to demonstrate that
they had actually entered that system. Caused quite a furor. Check
the thread at
Received on Tue Oct 12 2004 - 07:33:55 CDT