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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Can I create a database via oracle client?
"Mario" <> wrote in message
> Sorry guys, but I have to say/write something regarding this thread.
> The first thing first, I do not see a point in calling someone an idiot.
> The second, I can not see a point why would someone try to install oracle
> that way. But, if Goran said it is possible, maybe it is.
> At least, in his test environment.
> I have not seen in his posts that he recommended to OP to do that.
> The third, I would not recommend to write here some, let say, "hackers
> methods" for things which are probably not supported. At least, you can
> make
> new users confused and it is not the best way to start with Oracle.
> At the moment, I am at home and the only thing I am wasting is my money.
> For
> the modem line, of course :o). And lucky me, my boss does not read posts
> in
> this newsgroup :o)).
>> -- Cudim se ljudima koji u ovakvoj situaciji u nedostatku argumenata
> posegnu
>> za tim da nekome ispravljaju gramaticke pogreske.. Mislio sam da samo kod
>> nas na balkanu ima cudnih ljudi cudnog mentaliteta :-) --
> -- Iskreno, ne vidim niti jedan razlog zasto bi to bilo tako cudno :o). --
Zapravo niti ja.
Greška je bila upustiti se u raspravu :-)
Received on Thu Oct 07 2004 - 07:39:37 CDT