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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Periodic restart plusses and minuses?
> My point is: cold backups vs hot backups is a decision that should
> be based only on business requirements: does the business require
> 24X7 operation? If yes, then hot backups is the only option.
> If not then cold backups (if there is enough window) are
> an equaly valid option.
Tom Kyte makes the point that light bulbs typically burn out when the switch is turned on, and computer systems are most likely to fail while being restarted. My personal experience with 25 years of computer and control systems agrees with that observation. Every time your DBA shuts down for a cold backup he is increasing, not decreasing, the chances of data loss.
Even running 8.0 under NT4 we only reboot every 30 days (which is about all NT can take). If you don't need the features of Oracle (e.g. hot backup) why not talk to your salesrep about getting a letter of approval to sell your Oracle licenses and use PostgreSQL instead? It is a lot cheaper.
sPh Received on Thu Oct 07 2004 - 07:21:55 CDT