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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Help - shutdown immedate take 10 mins to complete
"adachi" <> wrote in message news:<cj42tb$22g2$>...
> Hi all,
> Recently I had upgraded my client database from Oracle 7.3.3 on NT to
> EE on HP-UX 64bit platform.
> They had created a lot of jobs running in Oracle and the job_queue_processes
> is set to 5. Some jobs required around 5 minutes to complete and some jobs
> can be finished within 10 seconds.
> When I shutdown the database using "shutdown immediate", it required a least
> 10 minutes to finish. But if I killed all ora_j00x processes before shutting
> down the database, the "shutdown immediate" completed within 10 seconds.
> I had tried to change the job_queue_processes to zero before "shutdown
> immediate" but it doesn't work too.
> I had tried to kill the job sessions using "alter system kill session..."
> but it took almost 5 to 10 minutes to complete.
> Can somebody give me a hand on that? Thank you so much in advance.
> Adachi
Simply script your shutdown and write some PL/SQL to kill any user sessions prior to issuing the shutdown immediate, as shown in the example below:
cursor get_reg_users is
select sid, serial#
from v$session
where trunc(logon_time) > (select trunc(startup_time) from
sqltxt varchar2(200);
curr_sess exception;
pragma exception_init(curr_sess, -27);
for urec in get_reg_users loop
sqltxt:='alter system kill session '''||urec.sid||','||urec.serial#||'''';
execute immediate sqltxt;
end loop;
when curr_sess then
shutdown immediate
This should kill any user sessions, including jobs scheduled with dbms_job, preserving your SYS session running this script, ensuring your database will close in short order. The WHERE clause eliiminates any sessions with a NULL username (all of the necessary processes to run your database) since these started at roughly the same time listed in v$instance.startup_time. The trunc() function is nscessary since the time portion for each non-user process is greater than that in the startup_time field. And, since trying to kill your session from your session results in an ORA-00027 an exception has been declared and initialised to not report that error.
I feel this is better than trying to use a kill -9 from the operating system against any SQL*Plus sessions listed as it won't leave behind any orphan processes; also, any jobs scheduled with dbms_job won't have a visible SQL*Plus session in a ps -ef list (as far as I know) so using kill -9 would leave such sessions running.
I hope this helps.
David Fitzjarrell Received on Mon Oct 04 2004 - 11:22:21 CDT
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