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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: ORA-12571 error
Well, on Unix the following works and I am wondering if you could get it to
work on W2K? I seem to recall doing this before on NT a while back. It has
been a while so I could be mistaken, but I think I did the environment
setting and sqlplus in a DOS window...
On Unix, I use to (probably better to use the startup restrict) do this to restrict access and yet still work in the database while logged on the database from the database server machine. I would first stop the listener.
-- "Alain Migeon" <agm_at_dk.rovsing> wrote in message on Sun Aug 31 2003 - 01:45:16 CDT
> Hi
> I have, on a Win2000 machine, an Oracle database, version 8.1.7. On the
> same machine, I have a server connecting to this database.
> I start my server which connect at start up to Oracle. Everything is
> working fine, and then if some network problems occur (I just unplug the
> network cable to reproduce the error), I got the ORA-12571 error
> (TNS:packet writer failure), followed by the ORA-03114 (not connected to
> Since my database and my server are on the same machine, why do I get
> this error?
> Thanks in advance.
> Alain