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On 25 Aug 2003 06:52:14 -0700, (wybrand) wrote:
>can someone comment on the case described below?
>We have a Oracle 8.1.7 database. We want to migrate it to an another
>(unx) machine + Oracle 92 database.
>What we do is the following: We take a backup from the source database
>and restore it on a Oracle 8.1.7 database on the new machine. Then we
>upgrade the new database on the new machine from 8.1.7 to 9.2
>When we turned on our application we experienced a lot of problems
>which seems to relate with statistics. For example the following
>update never finisched (on the old machine the update took less then 5
>update tbl1
>set field = ( select fld from tbl2 where fdl2 = tlb1.fld2 );
>Then, when this querie ran in session1, I dropped and created new
>statistics on table tbl2 in an other session. When the 'compute
>statistics' finnished in session 2, the same moment the update querie
>finished in the ohter session. This is not a co-incedance, because we
>never have seen a update statement, running under the same conditions,
>finishing (and in the beginning we were very patience) and we tried it
>serveral times with the same result again and again as descibed above.
>An other problem we encountered is that we could not analyze a
>partition from a table. analyze table tb partition ( par_name )
>resulted in
>'ORA-02149: Specified partition does not exist'. This occurred inspite
>the partition was mentioned in the data-dictionary. We also were able
>to select or update data from the partition. When we dropped and
>created new statistics, the problem was fixed.
>Have someone experienced the same problems or does someone know the
>cause of these problems?
>Thanx in advance.
I guess if you would have been using the dbms_stats package (which you
should always do, as ANALYZE is for backwards compatibility only) you
would have exported the stats to a stats table and imported them in
the live dictionary after upgrade.
For the rest the only clue you provide in your post is: 'It doesn't
work', so it is impossible to provide any specific answer.
Sybrand Bakker, Senior Oracle DBA
To reply remove -verwijderdit from my e-mail address Received on Mon Aug 25 2003 - 12:12:12 CDT