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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: why five (blocks)?
"Tanel Poder" <> wrote in message
> Hi!
> I've always wondered why the minimum number of blocks in an extent was
> rounded to nearest higher multiple of 5 oracle blocks in earlier server
> versions?
> Nowadays this isn't an issue anymore, but I'm just wondering where does
> magic number 5 come from?
Hi Tanel,
I can't tell you why Oracle chose 5 as being this magical number but its always struck me as being a rather odd number (no pun intended, honest) from a computing point of view. 4 yes, 8 maybe but 5 just seems a little "awkward".
Maybe the answer lies in the number of fingers on (most) hands ...
Cheers ;)
Richard Received on Mon Aug 25 2003 - 09:13:11 CDT