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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Moved web server (Troy) wrote:
>We recently moved our IIS server that intefaces with an oracle DB
>application server. The web servers address has changed. However the
>oracle DB servers IP has not changed. We are no longer able to connect
>to the Oracle DB server. In between these servers is a Border Manager
>acting as a psuedo router. If anyone can give any advise as to what
>could need to be changed on either the IIS side or the Oracle side we
>would appreciate it.
If BorderManager is acting as a firewall it is probably not allowing the 'return' connection to the database to pass..
SqlNet's Listener receives the request to connect to an instance on Port 1521 ( if default) but, once it connects the session to the instance, the communication between client and instance is redirected to a randomly assigned port - Search the Oracle docs at for 'Firewall' and read about the workarounds.. Received on Mon Aug 25 2003 - 08:43:22 CDT