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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Oracle For Windows performance question
> > But sthg is far more efficient. Why I used it last night several times
> > after drinking a bit of single malt. And I've had no complaints so far.
> >
> Oh, come on and give me a break. Please tell me is it possible to do this
> without truncating table. I just want to know how to do this.
Before HWM could ever be reduced, Oracle has to be sure that there are no rows in the area which would remain above HWM. That would mean scanning the area between current and future HWM, finding any rows and inserting them somewhere "lower" in the table. Oracle doesn't have such reorganizing tool, probably beacuse Oracle is meant for handling ever-growing databases, not ever-shrinking ones. Your options are either export-truncate-import or create table as select->drop old table->rename new one back->recreate constraints, indexes, grants etc.
Tanel. Received on Sun Aug 24 2003 - 04:06:46 CDT