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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: oms backup
I found this, hope it helps:
From: "Reinhard Henjes" <>
Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2002 19:41:03 +0100
Message-ID: <000001c1a762$2c92b410$dd5d3ed4_at_QPMPW>
Subject: [suse-oracle] problems with Intelligent Agent - solved
I've solved the problem -
the owner of the executable dbsnmp in /$oracle_home/bin was the "oracle"
a "chmod +rws dbsnmp" and
a "chown root:dba dbsnmp" and
a "su -l oracle" and
a "agentctl restart" - and ok.
maybe there is an easier way to perform that but I'm not a Linux Specialist
I think there is a bug in the file.....
all the export and Backup Jobs are running now
thank you for help....
Reinhard Henjes
Guido Kutasi
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