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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: German characters äöü etc.
"Hans Sauren" <> writes:
> Hi all,
> we use ORACLE 8.1.7. In the tables German characters like äöü have
> to be stored. The parameters NLS_LANG is set to
> to GERMANY. In selects without where-clause but order by n_name the
> result is proper sorted like German where German ü is like u. But
> when I force select n_name from adress where n_name >= 'Mü' all
> other Mu are not in the resultset. Looking at the result set with
> SQL*Plus 'Müller' is shown as 'MA¼ller' which might be US7ASCII.
> Has anybody an idea where I have to look for. Thanks for any
> suggestion.
I assume nls_comp points to binary. You should use ansi.
| nls_comp=ansi
Harald Received on Wed Aug 20 2003 - 10:49:30 CDT