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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Problems with Oracle 8.1.7 under UNITED LINUX (SuSE 8.1)
"Markus Hoss" <> writes:
> "Harald Maier" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> > Itīs the Windows ORACLE client 8.1.7 software under german win2000 sp3. > Starting Enterprise Manager and then sqlplus Worksheet. > Same directly under Linux. So if its using US7ASCII why the procedure with > dbassist?
dbassist defines the character set for the database, especially how the data should be stored. NLS_LANG defines for the client a character set or a encoding how to enter and display the data. Tried the same with OEM/sqlplus worksheet and learned the same as you, on both sides W2K and Linux it displays always 7bit. Either it ignores the NLS_LANG setting or it is only a problem with fonts. Anyway, I bet your data are looking good in the database.
The document 'Globalization Support Guide' (9.2.0) and 'National Language Support Guide' (8.1.7) may contain other useful hints.
>> UUps, did again a test. Other programs that are linked with the OCI
>> lib behave the same as sqlplus. I always set the NLS_LANG variable in
>> the Client context.
Received on Tue Aug 19 2003 - 08:59:31 CDT