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Re: MTS not workin ??

From: Harald Maier <>
Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2003 06:16:12 +0200
Message-ID: <m31xvijn8z.fsf@ate.maierh>

Comments inline.

quarkman <> writes:

> First, get rid of the spurious extras. You only need to set
> mts_dispatchers and mts_servers. The other stuff is optional. In
> particular, "mts_service" I suspect is stuffing you up. That's the
> name the dispatchers register themselves with the listener, er,
> with. It's not needed, because without it, they'll simply register
> themselves with the service name of the entire instance. The others
> are not needed to get the thing working, either. They merely put
> limits on how much work the dispatchers and the servers and the
> instance can perform. So get rid of them.
> All you should have is:
> mts_dispatchers=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(DISPATCHERS=3)
> mts_servers=5
> You don't need a 'listener' parameter in the setting for dispatchers,
> because quite evidently, your listener runs tcp/ip on port 1521, and
> those are the defaults, and therefore the dispatchers will register
> themselves with that in any case. You only need all that other guff if
> your listener is not running tcp/ip, not on port 1521, or isn't called
> "listener".
> With that tidied up (and don't forget to bounce your instance), you
> need to make sure that the listener has recived registration details
> from the dispatchers:
> lsnrctl services
> ... you should see an entry for each dispatcher (D000...D001 and so
> on). If you can't see the dispatchers listed in the listener's
> services output, the thing is never going to work.
> Next, make sure that in your tnsnames.ora you are requesting a
> connection to SERVICE=xxx, and not SID=xxx. Get rid of that stuff

Only a small correction:

  SERVICE should be SERVICE_NAME in the tnsnames.ora file.

It's a little bit confusing. In the dispatcher clause of the initialization file the service name is specified by 'SERVICE' and in the tnsnames.ora file it is specified by SERVICE_NAME. Why they have not chosen the same word? It's pity ...

> about server=shared. If you get MTS working, then you'll get shared
> server connections without specifying. Setting it, however, means (as
> you've discovered) that if a shared server connection cannot be
> established, then no connection at all will be established. Without
> it, you'll get a shared server connection if one's available, or a
> dedicated connection if one isn't. Not setting it is thus more
> flexible than setting it.
> Once you've got it all working, then is the time to start tuning the
> thing by fiddling with the mts_session, mts_circuits and other
> parameters.
> Regards
Received on Mon Aug 18 2003 - 23:16:12 CDT

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