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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Windows 2003 HA solution for free ??? - Congrats, Microsoft !!!
Congrats, Microsoft !
With the "shadow copy" feature, you have now implemented, what NOVELL has since 3.10 (or even earlier). The called it "transaction tracing system" and one could set any database file to "transactional", so that the shapshot mechanism (copy on write) allows online backups of database files.
I think, this is a killer argument for NOVELL and Windows NT 2003 and against Linux. Having implemented async IO in networking and KAIO in NT kernel is an additional argument for Windows 2003.
With multipath I/O you can have realtime copies of your database file spread all over several servers. A very good feature, since it allows to make HA solutions with any database, e.g. with PostgreSQL, MySQL ....without the database having to support it (like Informix does) Make a ping script on the standby server, pinging as long the primary server is there, if not, do a ipconfig and change the IP of the standby server to the ip of the primary server. Welcome in the world of HA for no additional fees to pay.....
Congrats, microsoft, you have very much reduced costs for HA solutions !!!!
Welcome in the world of server operating systems, oh... i forgot some very important feature missing. Signal handlers !!
With any UNIX/LINUX/Free/Open/NetBSD if can send signals to any service / daemon to cause a re - read of configuration file. I can edit a config file, e.g. PostgreSQL Server, MySQL, Webserver ....simply type killall -HUP httpd or mysqld ... and, without interrupting the service, the configuration has changed. On NT 2003 i still have to interrupt the service to change its configuration.
Where, the heck have i put the registry patch to make Windows 2003 WS accept more than 10 inbound network connections ?????
Sorry, you still haven't reached the 99.999 level of real mission critical operating systems, due to important features missing ....keep up the good work !!!!
regards, Guido Stepken Received on Mon Aug 18 2003 - 06:28:33 CDT