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Hello there,
i was just playing with user-managed bu and recovery
on a Linux/9i platform to understand better the mechanism.
Well... few strange things happened, strange if you
take things for granted...
Do someone know why the following behaviour?
Let's start:
[Scenario: media recovery on a tablespace lost during an online backup with DML activity on it]
SQL> create table num ( id integer) tablespace users;
SQL> insert into num values (1); SQL> insert into num values (2); SQL> insert into num values (3); SQL> commit; SQL> Select * from num
2 /
1 2 3
SQL> alter tablespace users begin backup
2 /
Tablespace altered.
SQL> alter system switch logfile;
System altered.
SQL> select name from v$datafile
2 /
/u03/oradata/topo/sys_topo_01.ora /u02/oradata/topo/undo_topo_01.ora /u04/oradata/topo/users_topo_01.ora
SQL> !rm /u04/oradata/topo/users_topo_01.ora
SQL> alter tablespace users end backup
2 /
Tablespace altered. <---- ??????
>>> Shouldn't O check for datafiles availability when
>>> the tablespace changes of status???
SQL> Select * from num
2 /
1 2 3
>>> OK: cache hit
SQL> alter system checkpoint
2 /
System altered.
SQL> alter system switch logfile
2 /
System altered.
>>> I was expecting O to write something on file header?!
SQL> insert into num values (5)
2 /
1 row created.
SQL> commit
2 /
Commit complete.
>>> cache again
SQL> alter system switch logfile
2 /
System altered.
SQL> alter system checkpoint
2 /
System altered.
>>> AGAIN: there is a committed tran and O
do not write to the datafile?
SQL> shutdown immediate
Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
>>> File header are not touched at Shutdown?!!
>>> Confusing...
SQL> startup
ORACLE instance started.
>>> File header are not touched at Startup?!!
>>> More confusing...
SQL> Select * from num
2 /
Select * from num
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00376: file 3 cannot be read at this time
ORA-01110: data file 3: '/u04/oradata/topo/users_topo_01.ora'
>>> I am happy now :)
I tried to reproduce everything ona win/8i machine to see if probably there were differences between the two versions but unfortunately Win locks down the file for writing when you put the tablespace in backup mode, so i couldn't simulate a media failure.
Any idea why this behaviour? (should i ask tom? ;)
PS: The only thing i was thinking is that O actually flsuh trans on the datafile when the redo log (owning the transaction) has to be overwritten, but this is not what i've been reading so far on O docs... they say that DBWr actually flushes modified blocks when a log switch occurs.
-- Remove "leva." from my email for private messages...Received on Tue Aug 12 2003 - 13:57:49 CDT