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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: [PL/SQL] Objects
In Oracle, the advantages of using objects is not different than in
any other language. The advantages of object-oriented programming are
well-documented in numerous book (encapsulation, modularity, ...). In
PL/SQL, try to read about bulk operations with collections (chapter 5
of PL/SQL manual on, as they can help performance
tremendiously. By using them, you certainly don't need any additional
columns, or temporary table.
> Hi,
> I consider to use object types in my database. I would like to know
> what advantages and disadvantages of using objects instead of using
> some more columns are. My object would be a group of three fields
> without any methods.
> Thank you for any ideas.
> Szalas
Received on Tue Aug 12 2003 - 08:54:05 CDT