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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: someone noticed 90 percent indians posting on
An Oracle question is an Oracle question, choose to reply or don't. If you
want to bring politics into a technical group then go home... there's enough
bigotry and racism in the world already.
"shrinad" <> wrote in message
> someone noticed the names of people posting on people
> mostly come from india , bangladeh etc
> but here in the newsgroup names are mostly from europa or america or
> are not posting with their correct names
> thomas kyte is best service you can get for your oracle questions, but he
> payed for his service
> from oracle
> in these state of it-business I will not answer any questions here,
> it could be from the cheap guy
> getting my job, i will only care if I see an interesting question
> but quality of postings here is so poor, nobody can read documentation or
> search in newsgroups for old answers ...
> nobody cares for learning oracle concepts, it is still becoming worse not
> better, so I will not care if
> some companies will pay a high price for ignoring quality
Received on Mon Aug 11 2003 - 13:48:01 CDT