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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: DBA task for System DBA and Application DBA (Rakesh) wrote in message news:<>...
> Will some one explain me what is difference b/w System DBA and
> Application DBA,
> what are the responsibilites of each one
In plain English and assuming we're not pulling another revisionist chapter of IT where history is again re-invented, those mean essentially, *nothing*.
Of course any given company might "re-invent" a prior job and slap a new moniker to it.
Then it becomes awfully difficult for that company to find out how to certify people in that position, given that nobody else in the industry has the foggiest what the heck do they mean. But that has never stopped anyone in IT, has it? ;)
> I would like to know what is diffrent task these two roles play in a
> big organization. Assuming the organization can afford both dba as
> separate person.
The best way would be to approach the "big organization" and ask them what the heck do they mean by those terms. Given that there is not a SINGLE training place ANYWHERE in the world that can certify or train anyone as ANY of those!
But that hasn't stopped "System Architects" from sprouting up everywhere, has it now? Nor the particularly nasty sub-type called the "Oracle Architect"!
Of course, the hopeful among us might want to draw an analogy anyway. Forever the hopeful, I'll venture:
System DBA => Production DBA
Application DBA => Development DBA
Then again, if you're running Oracle Applications or SAP or Peoplesoft or something like that, Application DBA might turn out to be something completely different from even the best wishes of any one...
Nuno Souto
Received on Thu Jul 31 2003 - 20:08:14 CDT
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